Friday, May 25, 2012

Do you really mean it when you say "I LOVE YOU"

Article by : Kyo

To love and to be loved is one of the sweetest things in life. It is a wonderful time when a person falls in love. There are many songs and poems that tell us what is the feel when a person in love.

But, love is also a mysterious thing. We do not know when we wall in love. Many times it happens suddenly. May be we meet our soul mates when we are waiting bus, or may be it happens we are in hungry, or our soul mates our own class mate, or may be our soul mates are used to be the persons that we hate most of the past. When love season begins, we will feel like in a heaven. All other things do not matter much. Everyday is full of happiness, smiling always as if there is no problem at all.

Is love just like that? Is it real love? Is love just having happiness all the time? Do we know the real meaning of love? Actually in having happiness, we often forget about many things. We tend to think that our partners must make us happy all the time, must make us smile always, must be loyal to us, should miss us every single minute that they breath etc. While we instead of that often that we also must do the same things.

It is real mistake if we always make our partners angry, but we hope they give us a smile, or we hope our partners are loyal to us, but we often are dishonest to them, or we hope they have all the good attitudes but we instead, are not having a good manner. Is it fair? Actually in this life, there are many things that we must give and then we can receive, not just receiving with our giving, or doing the contrary. We give a smile and then we receive a smile too, we do kindness to people and people do kindness to us too. that is how life is.

Understanding our partners is also very important in relationship, but possibly one of the most difficult things in relationship. That is usual when men have works to do and the works must be done with full of attention and taking a quite long of time, their partners get angry because of abandoning them and say unreasonable thoughts such as those men are having secret affairs with other women. To make the situation worse, because of the men are tired and having a bad mood at that time, it makes them furious, and then the war begins. This kind of situation happens usually because of misunderstanding between partners. We should know that the minds of men and women are different. John Gray explained clearly in his best-selling book, "Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus" on how minds of men and women differ and how to make relationship goes well by understanding the differences.

Love is also about responsibility. As an example, a man has the responsibility to lead his partner and protect his partner while a woman has the responsibility to give support and many other responsibility. When they get married, they have more responsibilities, and after they have their own children, the responsibilities also increase.

In love relationship, we may find many problems or boundaries. We may even have a few small fights between each other. Dr Fahillah Kamsah once told the secret of his happiness living with his wife. The secret is when his wife gets angry with him, he will just shut up and listen, and when the angriness of his wife decreases, at time he will explain what is really going on. And his wife will also the same if he gets angry with her. It is such a good tip, right? Many problems and boundaries that we have in relationship will be easier to be settled if we co-operate. Furthermore, it will make our love even stronger. That is the power of love isn't it?

I would like to end this article with two nice quotes: " We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love"-by Tom Robbins. "I may be not perfect, but i'm almost perfect for him."   

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